10 Water Wasting Habits You Need to Stop Now: Learn How to Conserve Water!

Reading Time: 7 minutes
Water Saving Habits
Photo by Geetanjal Khanna on Unsplash
Every drop counts: Discover essential tips on how to conserve water and make a positive environmental impact. Learn more with Aaron Services.

Hey there! Have you ever paused to consider how much water we consume daily? Statistics suggest that the average household uses approximately 300 gallons of water per day, a figure that can be startling. In today’s world, where sustainability is imperative, one actionable step toward this goal is reducing our daily water use. Many of us, perhaps without realizing it, are allowing this crucial resource to be wasted, which impacts both our environment and our finances. However, the good news is that changing these habits is more achievable than you might think. This guide aims to highlight common water-wasting practices and introduce straightforward, effective methods for conserving water. With just a few simple adjustments, we can all play a part in saving water and supporting our planet, while also seeing a decrease in our water bills. Ready to take a step towards better water conservation? Let’s begin!

1. Letting the Tap Run

Kitchen Faucet Running
Photo by Tosab Photography on Unsplash

You know the drill: the tap’s running full tilt while you’re lost in thought brushing your teeth. Before you know it, gallons of water have slipped away. Here’s the kicker: just by turning off the tap while brushing, you can save up to 4 gallons every minute. Mind-blowing, right? And when you’re lathering up your face or hands, why not fill the basin and use that? Small tweaks, huge savings.

But let’s take it a step further. Ever fill a glass of water and leave half of it untouched? Instead of pouring it down the sink, use it to water your plants or rinse something clean. It’s all about seeing opportunities to reuse water before letting it go to waste.

2. That Dripping Faucet

That constant drip-drip-drip is more than just a minor annoyance — it’s a silent water thief, stealing thousands of gallons of water each year right from under our noses. The solution might seem daunting, but it’s often as straightforward as replacing a washer, something many DIY guides can walk you through.

However, what if the leak’s a bit more complicated? That’s when calling in a professional, like Aaron Services (if you are in North Atlanta Metro), can be a real game-changer. Not only do you nip the problem in the bud, but you also prevent future water (and money) loss. It’s a win-win

3. The Toilet Trash Can

It’s tempting, isn’t it? Tossing just about anything small enough to fit down the toilet and giving it a flush. But here’s the thing: each flush uses a whopping 5–7 gallons of water. The fix? Keep a bin in the bathroom for non-flushable waste. It’s a simple habit that can lead to significant water savings.

And while we’re on the topic of toilets, let’s talk about upgrades. Modern dual-flush models offer two flush options — one for liquid waste and another for solids. It’s an efficient way to control the amount of water used per flush, aligning perfectly with our water-saving mission.

4. Overwatering the Lawn

Overwatering the Lawn
Photo by Paul Moody on Unsplash

Ah, the pride of a green lawn. It’s the classic symbol of a well-kept home. But keeping it vibrant doesn’t mean you need to drench it daily. Overwatering is not just wasteful; it actually weakens your lawn by encouraging shallow root growth. The trick? Water deeply but less frequently, promoting stronger roots that draw moisture from deeper soil layers.

Timing is everything too. Watering in the early morning or late evening ensures the water soaks in rather than evaporating. And if you’re unsure about when to water, try this: step on the grass. If it springs back up, it’s fine; if it stays flat, it’s thirsty. Listening to what your lawn really needs can prevent unnecessary watering.

5. Taking Long Showers

Photo by Victor Furtuna on Unsplash

There’s nothing quite like a long, hot shower, especially on a chilly morning or after a long day. But as heavenly as it feels, it’s also where we tend to use a ton of water. Did you know shortening your shower by just 2 minutes can save up to 150 gallons per month? That’s huge! Consider a timer or a playlist with a couple of songs as your shower soundtrack to keep track of time.

If you want to take it up a notch, think about installing a low-flow showerhead. They’re designed to use less water without compromising on pressure, so you still get that satisfying shower experience while being kind to the planet and your wallet.

6. Using the Dishwasher Half-Full

Half-full dishwasher
Photo by Wendelin Jacober: https://www.pexels.com/photo/fish-eye-photography-of-man-pulling-the-dishwasher-rack-1447956/

Dishwashers are fantastic time savers, but running them half-full? Not so much. It’s like taking a bus for just two people when it can carry 50 — inefficient, right? Waiting until it’s fully loaded maximizes its efficiency, saving water and energy with every cycle. And here’s a pro tip: scraping instead of pre-rinsing dishes can save even more water. Modern dishwashers are pretty powerful, and they’re up to the task.

But what if you don’t have enough dishes to fill it up quickly? Consider using a basin for handwashing the essentials or choose a dishwasher with a half-load option. It’s all about finding what works best for your household without wasting resources.

7. Washing Cars with a Hose

Washing your car in the driveway with a hose in hand is almost a weekend tradition. It feels straightforward, and let’s be honest, a bit fun. But, have you ever stopped to think about how much water spills onto the driveway, unused and wasted? We’re talking upwards of 100 gallons for just one wash. That’s a lot of water for a shiny car. Now, switching to a bucket and sponge not only slashes that number dramatically but also gives you control over the water you use, drop by drop. And if you absolutely need to use a hose, choosing one with a shut-off nozzle can make a big difference by stopping the water flow when you’re not actively rinsing. Even better, consider waterless car wash products or eco-friendly car wash services that recycle water. This way, you keep your car clean and the planet a little greener.

8. Pre-Rinsing Dishes

Pre-Rinsing Dishes
Photo by Catt Liu on Unsplash

Alright, let’s tackle a kitchen myth: the need to pre-rinse dishes before they hit the dishwasher. It’s a habit many of us inherit without questioning, but here’s the truth — modern dishwashers are designed to handle the tough stuff. Pre-rinsing under a running tap can waste up to 20 gallons per load. So, what’s the workaround? Simply scrape off the leftovers and let the machine do its magic. Not only does this save water, but it also saves you time and effort. If you’re worried about your dishwasher’s performance, consider upgrading to a more efficient model that can tackle dirty dishes head-on, no pre-rinse needed.

9. Neglecting to Mulch

Photo by Catt Liu on Unsplash

Gardening is a joy for many and a chore for some, but regardless of where you stand, mulching is a step you shouldn’t skip. Beyond giving your garden a polished look, mulch is a champion of water conservation. It keeps the soil moist longer, reducing how often you need to water. Plus, it suppresses those pesky weeds that compete with your plants for every drop of water. But here’s the kicker: mulch also insulates the soil, protecting it from extreme temperatures. Whether you’re a green thumb or just looking to keep your garden alive, adding a layer of mulch can help your plants thrive with less water.

10. Overlooking High-Efficiency Appliances

We’ve saved the heavy hitter for last — upgrading to high-efficiency appliances. Those old toilets, showerheads, and washing machines? They might be costing you more than you think, not just in water bills but in water waste. High-efficiency models are the way to go, designed to do more with less. They use significantly less water to get the job done, which means lower utility bills and a happier planet. Look for products with the WaterSense label for toilets and showerheads, and the ENERGY STAR label for appliances. Making these upgrades can seem like a big step, but they’re investments that pay off in the long run, both for your wallet and for water conservation efforts.

Investing in high-efficiency toilets, showerheads, and washing machines can significantly reduce water use. Look for products with the EPA’s WaterSense label, which are 20 percent more water-efficient than standard models. The initial investment can lead to long-term savings on both your water and energy bills.

By taking these steps to conserve water, you’re not only helping to save this precious resource but also setting a positive example for sustainable living.

As we’ve explored various ways to cut down on water waste, it’s clear that small changes can lead to significant impacts, not just for our planet but also for our wallets. Conserving water is a collective effort that starts with individual actions. From fixing leaky faucets to investing in high-efficiency appliances, every step you take makes a difference.

To further empower your journey towards water conservation, we invite you to utilize our Water Savings Calculator. This tool is designed to help you understand the potential savings that come with making more water-efficient choices in your home. Whether you’re contemplating a switch to low-flow fixtures or simply curious about how your daily water use adds up, our calculator provides personalized insights into how you can reduce consumption and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Start saving water and making a positive environmental impact today with Aaron Services. Try our Water Savings Calculator and see how easy it is to make a change for the better. Together, we can ensure that every drop counts.


Ways to Save Water

If you’re curious about how much water (and money) you could save by adopting these water conservation habits, we invite you to try our Water Savings Calculator. It’s a simple tool designed to help you understand the impact of your water use and how small changes can lead to significant savings. Start making a difference today!

Water Saving Calculator