How to Prevent Frozen Pipes

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Are you facing the issue of frozen pipes? Frozen pipes are very common during cold days. The temperature running at a freezing point or below can freeze the running pipes. This can become every year’s story if you live in a region that gets affected by the temperature below freezing point. Frozen pipes can be quite annoying at times. Frozen pipes can also lead to various damages.

A frozen pipe gives various signs before it actually freezes. It is quite important to notice these signs before it leads to any problem. The signs a freezing pipe starts to give can be:

  • Clogged sink or toilet.
  • The speed of the running water decreases.
  • The tap does not supply any water except a few drops.

When you find such signs at your place make sure to look for the frozen pipe. If the pipes are located outside the house, it can be a little tricky to find the pipe at fault. The pipes situated outside the house are more prone to get affected by the weather. Thus, make sure to arrange for the facilities before the temperature in your region drops to the freezing point.

A frozen pipe can cause several damages. If the pipe gets blocked with ice and gets frozen, the pressure built up by the ice can brake or tear the pipe. This is the most common and dangerous damage that can be caused. Tearing of pipes is very common during winter. Battling against the ice, again and again, is not the actual solution to it. You have to take the necessary steps to prevent frozen pipes.

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There are various things that you can practice at home to avoid the pipes from getting frozen. Let’s study the most vital of them.

1. Prevent frozen pipes with dripping faucets

A lot of people ask how can dripping faucet prevent frozen pipes. The answer to this is, a dripping faucet enables a continuous movement of water in the pipe. The continuous flow keeps the pipe active thus preventing it from freezing. A dripping pipe also helps to unclog a frozen pipe.

If the faucet is dripping constantly the water build-up at the edge of the frozen pipe can help to thaw the pipe. This will prevent the pipe from freezing. But dear readers, a dripping faucet is not the only solution to prevent frozen pipes. If the temperature in the region is falling constantly, then the dripping water can also freeze. Thus, it is important to take preventive measures before the temperature hits.

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2. Run water to prevent frozen pipes

Another question a lot of people ask is, how to run water to prevent frozen pipes. What is the correct method to run the water? The most common answer you will get is to run hot water. But dear readers, following this method can melt away your pipe. The right method to run the water to prevent frozen pipes is to run mild warm water.

Hot water can cause severe damage to your pipes. You have to make sure that the water you are pouring is mildly warm. You can constantly pour mildly warm water to melt the ice. This can be a little time consuming but is an effective method. The warm water running constantly through the pipe can thaw the pipe. This will release the ice and enable the easy movement of water.

3. Contact a professional plumber

Dear readers, a frozen pipe can be prevented by following the above-mentioned methods. But, it is always good to take the help of a professional plumber to prevent such problems. A professional expert is a right choice to detect the fault and repair it immediately!

You can connect with Aaron Services as they have a number of certified plumbers who can ease your work in minutes.

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