Avoid Water Damage

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Prevent a Water Damage Nightmare

Avoid Water Damage
Photo by Bibi Pace on Unsplash

After a weekend away, Dave came home to discover that a pipe had burst, flooding his house. Flooring was damaged, walls were soaked, and furniture was unusable. He spent three months in hotels while major repairs were done to make the house livable, leaving him thousands of dollars in debt because his insurance didn’t cover it. How bad can it be?

Dampened carpets and drywall create the perfect environment for mold and bacterial growth, putting your family at risk for severe illness or even death. Stagnant water provides the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes like aedes aegypti, which spreads the Zika virus. If water seeps into the foundation or other critical components of the building, it damages the structural integrity of your home.

Repair can range from replacing some drywall and pipe to major renovations and mold remediation. Hence the cost can vary widely and you may or may not have to pay the full price, depending on your insurance coverage.

Causes and prevention

Leaky pipes cause slow seepage of water into your walls or onto your floor. Maintain plumbing by having a professional check and repair pipework that’s corroded or damaged.

Freezing is the most common cause of a burst pipe. Ice expands in the pipe, weakening it to the point of failure. Ensure that pipework in unheated areas is properly insulated and have it regularly inspected.

A sewer pipe blockage or an overwhelmed storm system can result in a sewage backup. Keep your sanitary pipes clear with regular cleaning and maintenance. Have a professional review your property’s storm drainage to ensure it doesn’t compromise the sewer system.

Prevent overflows or leaks from appliances by installing an automatic shut-off valve. It works by detecting irregular flows consistent with leaks and shutting off the supply to the appliance. Alternatively, you can go with a whole-house shut-off valve that turns off the main supply, protecting the entire house.

Leakage from the building structure like the roof, windows and foundation can cause water damage that goes unnoticed for months or years. Proper inspection and replacement of old roof and window caulking reduce the risk of water infiltration and damage.

If damage happens

If, like Dave, you come back from your vacation to discover your possessions under water, the first thing you should do is shut off the main supply to the house and call a plumber. Immediately notify your insurance company and start the claim process.

The next step is to call in a restoration specialist to review the damage. They can carry out the repairs or you can hire a separate contractor.

Prevention is better than cure.

Call Aaron Plumbing today for an assessment; we can help protect your home from water damage!

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